Danny’s Winnipeg Review

Having recently purchased the Winnipeg by Quincy, Danny wanted to share his thoughts (and a few pictures) for our 335 style electric guitar.

Read Danny’s review below…

I’ve played many different guitars in my ten years of playing, mostly Epiphones and Fenders, and they’ve always been solid body. The Winnipeg was my first experience with a semi-hollow body electric, and I was very surprised, in fact I think I’ve found my new favourite style of guitar.

The guitar came with flatwound strings attached, which sound really great combined with the warmth of the neck pickup. I find myself using the pickup switch in the middle position quite a lot in order to give it a little bit of a more trebly sound, however. The guitar is great because you can get so many sounds out of it, no matter what you’re trying to achieve.

I was surprised at how loud the guitar is when being played unplugged. It’s by no means as loud as an acoustic would be, but it’s loud enough to play unplugged and be able to hear it nicely, and more than a solid body. Which is nice when you just want to pick up a guitar that’s comfortable to play without having to mess around with equipment.

I use the Winnipeg for recording quite a lot, without using an amp in between my computer and the guitar. I just plug it straight into my audio interface and it works a charm, there’s no hum or hiss, it just works and sounds great.

The Winnipeg comes in a stunning golden colour with a rosewood fretboard, which looks good with the rest of the guitar, supported by a nice sized neck, which feels easy to play. The size of the body of the guitar is impressive in contrast to the weight of the guitar overall, which seems light and comfortable whether its being played whilst sat down, or stood up using a strap.

If you’re like me and you want to try an ES-335 style guitar without the hefty price tag that Gibson and Epiphone attached, then be sure to give the Winnipeg by Quincy a try, you’ll be doing yourself a favour.

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